Hello i decided to start and share with you what i am doing to try to save some extra money in any other way...

Feel free to read and let me know if you have any questions as i will be more than happy to answers them for you...

Friday, February 18, 2011


MyLikes is a words-of-mouth advertising platform that allows the long tail of influencers on the web to create endorsements for products and services they like, Pay per click program that through Twitter and Facebook, you can send out a post once daily about products or services you enjoy.

I have accumulated over $2 every week. I know you will say what's $2 but don't forget everything adds up.. and it pays so quick by the end of the day each Friday...You need to have a minimum of $2 to cash out but you can do it soooo fast.....

Feel free to check it out here

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